Get 100,000 download per month for your Windows Phone App.

Windows Phone User have a lot of apps on Windows Phone Store, but what makes him select your app to download ?

this is the main question, and i am going to answer this question in a number of points.



App tile image 

The appearance of your app icon or tile plays a significant role in how your app is perceived by customers. so, your app icon should persuade the user from the first look. and you have to follow the next  steps

  • Create unique and eye-catching imagery.
  • Keep it simple; avoid unnecessary clutter.
  • Make sure the image corresponds to your app.
  • Make the text easy to read.
  • Although screenshots are helpful in a description, avoid using them in the tile
  • Incorporate elements of your brand that customers recognize.

App display name

The name of your app is another important factor in its appeal to customers. Your app name represents what your app is all about; it gives new customers a preview of the experience and provides a way for existing customers to recommend it to others. Here are some guidelines to help you name your app:

  • Make it resonate; it should be interesting and unique.
  • Avoid underscores and uncommon symbols.
  • Use spacing where appropriate.

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App description

The description is your chance to sell your app by fulfilling the customer need. A customer found your app intriguing and decided to click—now it’s your opportunity to persuade them to install it. We recommend following these guidelines for writing quality app descriptions that will help you close the deal:

  • The first two or three sentences are critical. Busy consumers may not read more.
  • Use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Describe what your app does best.
  • Tell customers why they will enjoy your app, and why it stands out from the crowd.
  • Be truthful and accurate.
  • Include version history and change logs to showcase improvements.
  • Describe additional offerings that can be purchased after installation, such as new features or levels.

A few more tips for building an attractive app

These tips will help add the finishing touches to your app and really make it shine:

  • Take the time to design a high-quality app. You should design localization and background art applicable for all relevant countries or regions where your app is available
  • Provide screenshots that show attractive app content.

As you finalize your app, remember to review your app tile image, display name, and description to ensure they will engage users. Compelling descriptions and visuals will help increase downloads and the potential for great user reviews. Good luck!