How To Read From Feed In Windows Phone 8 Using MVVM Light

Aly Ahmed (على احمد)

Hello all this my first blog I hope find it useful

  1. Create new project , Select Windows Phone ,then select windows phone app and  give it a name  “MasrawyNewsReader” ,click ok will show new dialog box choose windows phone 8 and click ok
  2. Right click on your project then select Manage NuGet Packages
  3. chose Online then   Search for MVVM Light then click install  as you see nuget
  4. check you references to make sure MVVM light successfully installed as you seereferences
  5. then add new folder named “Model” and Class Named “NewsItemModel” ModelClass
  6. i will create the model class with the Following code don’t forget to make Class public Like me 😀 ModelClass
  7. then open mainviewmodel.cs you will find it in view model folder the add the following code i just add new property to use it in binding if you not familiar with binding I will explain it in single topic   viewmodel

  8. then add reference to this Syndication dll by Right click on references on solution…

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